Unless . . . the established links between vaping and COVID risk and links from unprecedented youth levels of nicotine use by vaping, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes could have something to do with it?  

by Clark Miller

Published  December 25, 2024

Youth ranging from ages 10 to 19 were 55 percent more likely to be found to have type 2 diabetes (T2D) if also diagnosed with COVID based on medical records of more than 600,000 individuals. 

As described in MEDPAGE TODAY – 

“SARS-CoV-2 may have the ability to selectively infect human pancreatic β cells, and if this triggers apoptosis, the ability of the pancreas to secrete insulin may be impaired,” the researchers suggested. “Though T2D [type 2 diabetes] is usually considered to be a disease of insulin resistance rather than insulin lack, for newly diagnosed patients, the origin may not be entirely clear or confined to a single pathobiologic cause.”

Translation – We really have no idea what’s going on here, and it doesn’t even make sense if we’re looking for an etiology in COVID metabolic or psysiological effects. 

But we will persist in an assumption that some aspect of COVID infection process is cause and T2D is effect. 

It will be important to test whether patients diagnosed soon after COVID-19 infection continue to meet diagnostic criteria for type 2 diabetes to separate patients who had diabetes from those who became hyperglycemic only during the metabolic stress of infection, they added.

Research authors: we’ll stick with the “metabolic stress of infection” causing onset of T2D without any plausible explanation, lacking any reasonable process by which preexisting T2D would raise risk of COVID diagnosis. No other explanations  that we can think of anyway. 

And why not? A COVID epidemic and substance use crises have been playing out in very lethal and incalculably costly ways, without any need for public health responses to make sense, any need to be supported by evidence, cogent explanations, or critical discourse. 

But what about a spurious association between COVID and T2D mediated by processes that are established and come to mind immediately? The established causal link to both?  

The established direct links from the unprecedented high nicotine levels youth trapped in regular vaping have been exposed to, insulin resistance, and risk of T2D has been covered in multiple posts here over past years. 

But concerns about any such links can be moderated or even dismissed, can’t they? Now that youth vaping prevalence has dropped so dramatically, heralded by a frenzy of medical and media reports recently? Other top experts have assured us of that. 

The share of young people using tobacco reached a 25-year low, a new study shows. Experts call it a major milestone in public health.

A survey of U.S. high school and middle school students found that the decline in tobacco use stemmed from a drop in the number of kids using e-cigarettes, still the preferred product among youth, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study published in October.

“Experts call it a major milestone in public health.” How could anyone doubt that?

That is right, isn’t it? That youth vaping has dropped dramatically? That’s established, right? 

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